Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fast and dirty, but I hope insightful - kind of like sex

I just finished my morning perusal of Reuters, but I don't have enough time for a full post on each story. So, rapid fire commentary, here we go:

Marriages last longer than living together? | Reuters

Length of marriage is no indicator of anything except the length of a legal contract. Don't read too much into this study, because it explains nothing. Therefore it reinforces a current worldview with nothing substantial to back it up other than quantitative analysis.

Army nixes raid after Facebook leak? | Reuters

What the hell is wrong with you, unnamed Israeli soldier? Everyone should really think about web etiquette.

Lawmakers launch bill to end military gay ban | Reuters

President Truman didn't need a study to desegregate the military after World War II. Congress shouldn't need one to make the military an equal opportunity employer. If current military members feel like they can't serve alongside people who aren't straight, let them forgo their guaranteed paychecks from the armed forces and try their luck in this job market.

I have to go to work now.

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